Everyone one is looking for poetry……

Ok Mr. MMG, what the shit does that mean?!

There was a time (or times!) in all of our lives when gaming experiences made quite an impression on us.  A particularly fond one of mine is playing through Secret of Mana with my brother.  We would wake up a half hour early during the week just to get a little time in before school.  The fact that the game was so good combined with the journey I got to experience with my brother really made it something special.

It is that feeling, and feelings like it that I feel ultimately drive the retro gaming hobby. At some point there was poetry being awakened in your soul.  Maybe it’s enduring the most difficult stages of the Mega Man games and finally beating it.  Maybe it’s that awesome RPG story that got you right in the feelings.  Maybe it’s a perfectly balanced fighting game that yells quality and screams PLAY ME UNTIL YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE BEST!

These things sang to us.  They were poetry.  They still are.  As adults we are chasing those feelings.  Don’t be afraid to realize that those exact feelings might not be attainable anymore.  But this is not a bad thing!  It is those experiences that helped make you the gamer (and person) that you are now.

If you don’t like the same stuff you did as a kid it’s ok.  The most important thing is to not chase things you remember and are trying to recapture, it’s to focus on the present and just make sure you are genuinely having fun.